As Kermit says: Go Green!
Sign-up to reduce your junk mail, such as catalogs and credit card offers. Junk mail creates an incredible amount of waste and contributes to global warming. More than 1/3 of the fee for using this service is donated to the environmental or community organization of your choice. You can help save the planet and support others that are doing so at the same time!
This guide offers great tips and ideas on how students and colleges can start making a difference on campus, specifically focusing on climate change.
...and GOING GREEN AT SCHOOL: Degrees potentials, career paths, and job opportunities
Eco-Friendly Pet Owner’s Guide to Reducing Your Carbon Pawprints: Although pet owners may know the responsibilities associated with caring for their pets, some may not be aware of how pet ownership can affect their environmental responsibilities. Household pets can have significant negative effects on the environment, both directly and indirectly. For example, predation, waste, and food production can all have negative impacts. Luckily, options for sustainable pet ownership are constantly expanding. This guide goes through many of these options and provides additional resources.
AmericanOstrichFarms.com: Eco friendly pet owners guide
It’s important to recycle appliances. According to Tyler of the
Green Teens Club, we can make the planet healthier by recycling appliances as well as how to go about recycling yours. You&ubsp;ll enjoy environmental and financial benefits, too.
In this fast-fashion era, shopping for eco-friendly clothes isn’t easy, especially and finding green alternatives is even more complicated when you don’t know what fabrics you should be looking for. By using this guide, you’ll look at care tags differently and know how eco-friendly that amazing dress is.. that you saw on your favorite fashion Instagrammer’s feed.
Beeco — Clothing Fabrics: How Sustainable Is Your Wardrobe?
BNB Dealer
North American Airbnb guests used 63% less energy than guests in hotels. This blog provides steps you can take to make your rental more efficient, reduce your own costs, and provide a high-quality experience for all of your guests. Check out:
You can play a huge role in making a real difference. There are things that you can do at home, at school, or even while spending time in the backyard that can help conserve energy, reduce waste, and ensure that we take good care of the environment. Plastic bottles can be made into lawn furniture. Milk jugs can get a new life by being made into playground equipment.
Catalog Choice is a free service that lets individuals and merchants reduce unwanted mail and choose the way in which merchants contact you. It works by offering the opportunity to: 1) Opt-out of paper catalogs; 2) Subscribe to email news; and 3) Shop with cool digital tools. As a result, the use of paper is greatly minimized. As of August 2009: 1,145,104 people and 982 merchants use Catalog Choice.
Consider how you can use your old smartphone when you upgrade. Try something new with them!
Local shopping has paradoxically far-reaching benefits. In addition to contributing to a community’s economic prosperity and self-sufficiency, it can also contribute to global efforts to reduce our environmental footprint. This guide offers great marketing strategies as well as environmental and economic benefits for local businesses. As a result, I think your website would benefit from this guide.
Chicago Energy Consultants is a family owned, Chicago-based organization which provides energy efficiency and sustainable living services to home and business owners in the Northeast Illinois area. Services offered include: Energy Audits, Home Energy Ratings, Blower Door testing, energy bill benchmarking and analysis, weatherization training, green design consulting, and Infrared imaging. Areas served include Cook, Lake, DuPage and Kane counties. Check out our News, Product and Resource pages for tips and information, as well as energy conserving consumer products. Chicago Energy Consultants; promoting energy efficiency and sustainability, one building at a time!
The Circle is an environmentally friendly salon with a passion for innovative design and advanced education. We have an expert staff that offers a full range of haircut, chemical, and treatment services, as well as, makeup and waxing.
Enjoy this curated guide on making vehicle travel more eco-friendly and sustainable. After all, did you know that 57.1 million tons of auto industry waste is created annually? There are many simple changes individuals can make to reduce their carbon footprint. Our guide outlines the changes people can make in their lifestyles to ensure they are driving smart and sustainably, as well as providing useful information on vehicle recycling and different types of eco-friendly cars. TheClunkerJunker.com
The Ultimate List of 101+ Common household items which can be recycled. You can even check for specific items using their alphabetic index. www.consumersbase.com/how-to-recycle-anything/
The Ultimate Guide to Cheap Green Living. While the planet we live on has suited human needs for thousands of years, Earth’s bounty may not last forever. Based on research and observation, scientists and environmentalists have good reason to believe our planetary home is in trouble. www.couponchief.com
As you’re learning how to be sustainable in college and how to encourage positive change, forming simple habits now can not only help you as an adult but also influence other college students around you. If colleges hope to fight climate change, pollution, and so many other issues facing the earth, you and other students are the gatekeepers to those sustainability efforts. On your college campus, you can both learn and spearhead environmental change! The guide addresses:College Sustainability Student Organizations and Groups
100 Ways Students Can Go Green at College
How to Increase Sustainability on College Campuses and Encourage Policy Changeshttps://couponfollow.com/research/sustainability-guide — A big shout out to Jenna for finding this great resource! We hope this addition to the Green Resources list will help you earn your Eco Friend Badge as part of your Girl Scout Troop's Environmental Stewardship series!
COUSIN’S INCREDIBLE VITALITY and RGI (Raw Gourmets International)
Cousin’s IV is so much more than just a restaurant! We include a Raw Food Cafe, a Catering Program, a Detox Center offering monthly classes, and a Raw Food Store offering raw, vegan snacks, books, equipment, herbs, beauty products and more. Our Live Food Box Program allows individuals or families to order up to three months of raw meals, raw snacks, and raw desserts which can be delivered anywhere in the country. RGI, Cousin's sister company, offers certification as a raw food chef in addition to assorted workshops throughout the year. And in all our endeavors, Cousin's IV strives to protect the environment. www.cousinsiv.com
Sam Walker Smart has gathered 8 Must-Read Books For Any Budding Environmentalist. After all, "environmentalism" is a big subject and one that often makes us anxious. However, it can also be a fascinating and rewarding one. We have the tools and power to reshape our world for the better — it just takes pressure and commitment. For those willing to learn more about environmentalism, climate change, and the power of nature, these books will alter the way you think about these issues no matter the reader’s age. crossword-solver.io/environmental-books/
You don’t often hear the terms environmental protection and cybersecurity thrown around together often. But that is changing — fast.
The main reason is that critical infrastructure that ensures environmental and public health is vulnerable to cyberattack. If a hacker hits a credit card company it might be serious. If a hacker hits environmental infrastructure, the result could be catastrophic.
Consider that in the United States alone, 80 percent of the population relies on drinking water that comes from some kind of public infrastructure. And this is not just an issue in the US —leaders globally are scrambling to figure out best cybersecurity practices as they relate to the environment.
Check out www.CyberSecurityGuide.org — a community resource for those exploring educational and professional opportunities in the field of Cybersecurity
Data Science is a great discipline to explore for anyone interested in STEM fields. The website makes that easy by putting lots of great information in one place. Their mission is to deliver accurate, high quality (and free) information presented in a simple, clean format. They have created a valuable Guide to Data Science and Substainability. Plus you can learn about Clean Energy Industries here.
Find recycling and disposal centers near you for all your household recyclables including batteries, electronics, paint and hazardous waste. Earth911.org
We create affordable, hand crafted, all natural, eco friendly, vegan home & personal care items. Our products are made from the finest all natural, fair trade and organic ingredients available so they have everything you need, and nothing you don't. We never use chemicals, petroleum by-products, alcohols, laurel or laureth sulfates, fragrance or perfume oils, dyes, fillers, toxic or harsh irritating ingredients. We don't use anything that could potentially be harmful to you or to the environment. Our commitment is to honor Mother Earth by putting people first, planet second, profit last. BuyEarthNatural.com
Since Moms make many of the decisions in a household, this Web site offers the "Eco-Mom Challenge." Visitors will learn steps that everyone can take, which help achieve a more sustainable future and help make the planet a better place for all our kids
EcoQuip is your ONE stop Eco-Friendly supplier and distributor. Our focus is on the Environment, Safety and Health. Environment: We supply your certified "Green Solver" cleaner, the ONE chemical that can replace all those hazardous chemicals under your sink. Safety: Grip Master is you Anti-Slip solution for hard floor surfaces. Don't let slip and falls bring you down. Health: Gen Shield 411 is your Protective Shield against infectious disease. Helping you Save the Environment One Step at a Time!
Green career is an excellent choice for any student; according to the statistics, the European environmental economy and its value added grew considerably faster than the economy in general. Check out our list of best green career resources for students.
All of our content is written by environmental science experts, and all data is government-sourced for objective reasoning. We are growing weekly, and we are COPPA compliant. Click the link below for an example of our sustainability and green jobs career category page.
Online degree opportunities, tips, and advice.
Increasing erratic climate events, rising gas prices, and conspicuously wasteful consumption of resources have made eco-consciousness a national phenomenon. Everyone is talking about how to reduce humanity's footprint on the Earth and move towards more sustainable lifestyles. The sites featured on this site some of the best on the Web for finding stories and advice about sustainable living and going green.
Going green by reducing our carbon footprint has been a common solution to climate change. However, what most people often don’t consider is how their eating habits are also contributing to the problem. Our resource discusses green decisions to consider like a local and seasonal-based diet, eating a larger variety of foods, avoiding single-use plastics, the best ways to utilize food waste, and more. Learn how to eat better for yourselves, your community and the environment!
FindLaw’s thorough guide, titled “Starting an Earth-Friendly Business” provides valuable information for entrepreneurs who want to start an earth-friendly and eco-conscious business. Within the guide, readers learn the importance of environmental regulations and incentives and find a number of certification programs from well-known and highly respected organizations. The most successful green businesses typically are those whose founders and management team are genuinely committed to sustainable practices and being certified and abiding by environmental regulations is paramount in the success of these companies.
five ACCESSORIES is a socially conscious Chicago Company featuring fairly traded handbags and jewelry from FIVE countries while giving FIVE dollars from each handbag sale to a worthy charity in the locale where the item was handmade.
A Fresh Squeeze is an online green living publication with a local twist.
Thousands throughout Chicagoland rely on A Fresh Squeeze for a twice-weekly dose of eco-friendly ideas, sustainable advice and green.
Ginger Bliss Juice is one of the most vibrant and trendsetting companies in the Chicagoland Market. Ginger Bliss produces an organic, functional, ginger based beverage made with premium ingredients and herbal extracts. Our beverage is not boiled or cooked, as to retain most of the healing properties of our renowned Organic Hawaiian Yellow Ginger. We are a unique social lifestyle brand committed to supporting local sustainability, green initiatives, underprivileged children, and families in need. Our all natural organic pineapple ginger hit the market in the winter of 2009 and is available in the Chicagoland area including Whole Foods Markets. www.GingerBlissJuice.com
To help people get started, the guide provides details about 10 most popular green graduate degrees and 20 scholarships. It discusses the future of sustainable careers and the significant job growth in this area. There is also a list of the top 20 green jobs most in-demand with info about salary range and projected job growth. Other sections provide an expert interview and further funding resources. You can see it all here: www.GoGrad.com
GOOD MAGAZINEThis site is a platform to discuss the many ways we can all make this planet a better place to live. There are great articles about everything from music and movies, to the environment and people who have dedicated their lives to doing all things good. When you subscribe to the magazine 100% of your payment goes to the nonprofit of your choice.
GOURMET MARKETING - ECO-CONSCIOUS VACATIONINGUsing their experience in the hotel and restaurant industries, Gourmet Marketing created a guide to help travelers who are eco-conscious plan sustainable vacations. Tourism accounts for 8% of global greenhouse gas as travelers tend to neglect the environmental impacts of their travel plans — including how they pack. The good news is that even the smallest step towards being more sustainable helps keep our planet green. Travelers are assisted in ways to figure out sustainable travel with explanations of eco-friendly flights, destination cities (like San Francisco), ground transport, and so much more. Have a relaxing and fun vacation while being environmentally conscious, and adding this invaluable resource to feel great in the knowledge that you are doing everything you can to protect our green planet.
Ideally, the most energy-efficient form of transportation should inspire a commensurate commitment to greenness. To that end we intend to be the greenest, most sustainable bike shop in the city.
We provide eco-friendly printers, copiers and cartridges as well as managed print services. www.GreenOfficePartner.com
Your guide to green anything. If you can "green it" you will find it on this Web site. Get the facts about products that don't help our environment and find the ones that do. Greenyour.com
Started in 2002, I-GO is the only local, non-profit car sharing organization in Chicago. I-GO offers membership to individuals and business that enjoy having access to over 200 I-GO cars parked in over 35 Chicago neighborhoods and several suburbs. Cars are available 24/7/365 and can be reserved by the hour or by the day. Just make a reservation on an I-GO Car online, walk up to the car, use your electronic access card to unlock the doors of the car and the key is in the glove compartment! Gas, maintenance, and premium insurance are always included! www.igocars.org
Irv & Shelly's Fresh Picks offers year-round home delivery in the Chicago area of local and organic produce, meat, dairy, eggs, baked goods and more. We are partnering with sustainable farmers to grow the supply of local food in a way that protects our health and the environment. FreshPicks.com
How to Be Sustainable in College: 18 Green Tips for Students. It covers interesting information about the benefits of adopting a more eco-friendly lifestyle and how to become a sustainable person. IvyPanda.com/blog/green-tips-for-students/
Keen’s Buildings
Production of materials is a big source of greenhouse gas emissions. One way to make a concrete individual step toward sustainability is by rejecting consumerism and focusing more on what you truly need. Our article offers practical, straightforward advice for anyone looking to reduce their carbon footprint by downsizing their house. https://keensbuildings.com/2021/07/eco-friendly-downsizing-minimalist-living/
LEARN HOW TO BECOME GREEN - A Guide to Green Careers
This guide does a great job of inspiring professionals to use their skills in green careers, helping to create a renewable, sustainable world. LearnHowToBecome.org/green-careers
Careers for Green Thumbs: Tips, Resources and Job Outlooks for People Who Love Plants
"10 GREEN CAREERS THAT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER" ...offers in-depth information on several great career paths that focus on efficiency, sustainability, and renewability. Sustainability-related and green careers are becoming more important than ever across a wide variety of industries and we wanted to paint a clear picture of several fields that we believe are crucial which is why we included job descriptions and salaries in three key sectors: renewable energy, environmental, and agriculture. Furthermore, we’ve included the benefits of working in these fields as well as information on earning a sustainability degree. https://online.maryville.edu/online-bachelors-degrees/sustainability/careers/green-careers//
GREEN GUIDE TRAVELING TIPS: Ways that companies can offset your carbon footprints while flying. Includes a chart of the most eco-friendly U.S. airlines and their chosen carbon offsetting charities. Here's a link to our guide: https://millionmilesecrets.com/guides/staying-green-while-traveling-how-to-reduce-your-carbon-footprint/
MINT BLOG: 101 Kitchen Composting Ideas
According to Noelle, of Intuit, the makers of Mint, have created a guide to kitchen composting as an important part of reducing waste and gardening which can help foster local environmental awareness — and improvement! Check out their Kitchen Composting 101 Blog.
Eco-Friendly Guide to Finances and Saving: Applying environmentally conscious habits to the way you budget and manage your finances can revolutionize the way you approach green living. Aligning your personal finance and green living goals means that your money won&rsuo;t be used in a way that goes against the eco-friendly principles you care about. www.moneygeek.com/financial-planning/environmentally-friendly-finance-and-saving/ .
From vehicle emissions to landfill waste from packing supplies and discarded possessions, the average move has the potential to create a lot of environmental harm. But it doesn’t have to. With some new knowledge, careful planning, and the right tools, anyone can make their move more sustainable.! https://www.neighbor.com/storage-blog/moving-sustainably/
2019 RECYCLING GUIDE: Ever wondered what you can and can't recycle? We have a friendly messenger bot and a handy infographic to help you recycle more in our 2019 recycling guide! https://oneclass.com/blog/uncategorized/145925-what-can-be-recycled-your-complete-2019-recycling-guide.en.html
We publish guidebooks that showcase some of the top master&rsqo;s degrees in sustainability and environmental protection that can be earned online. With the catastrophic effects of climate change becoming a bigger reality every year, earning a green degree has never been more important, and more and more students are looking for ways to make a difference through your degree and career paths.
1) Getting a Green Master’s Degree:
Best Online Programs for an Environmentally Friendly Career
2) Best Online Master's in Environmental Science Degrees
The Ultimate Home Energy Efficiency Guide which covers, in great detail, practical tips and ideas to improve the energy-efficiency of your home.
Many people try to live a greener, more sustainable lifestyle by recycling and buying secondhand goods. Adding zero-waste practices to your daily routine is another way to achieve this goal. While it may seem challenging, it only takes a few small changes to cut back on how much waste your family produces. One way to adopt zero-waste practices is to be more mindful about choosing sustainably sourced furniture and decor. Check out: patiofurniture.com/ideas-trends/how-to-live-a-zero-waste-life/
ONE STOP SHOP / GUIDE :: Highlights 200+ everyday household items — ranging from old cell phones to yoga mats and shower curtains to crayons. www.PersonalCreations.com/blog/how-to-recycle-anything
Plant It Water is an example of how we can use existing technology to use less oil, pollute less and give back to the environment — all in a carton of on-the-go-water! We put Natural Spring Water in a Tetra Pak carton, and give to 2 non-profits from each sale — one donation goes to Trees for the Future TO PLANT A TREE! The second donation goes to A Single Drop, whose motto is, "Peace through Safe Water access". They help people in developing countries figure out low impact solutions to get safe water access close to home: filtration systems, rain catchment systems etc. PlantItWater.com
This informative article teaches kids how to use technology in environmentally friendly ways. It covers topics ranging from the importance of this type of thinking to actual strategies that help reduce their tech burden on the planet. Additonally, it discusses ways in which we can all use technology to our environmental benefit. PrivacyHQ.com/guide...
Guide to Green Degrees and Environmental Careers
A breakdown of the different types of environmental science bachelor’s degree programs that can be earned online and a list of quality universities that offer each.
Answers to key questions students have about environmental science bachelor’s degree programs before enrolling.
Information on popular career paths for environmental science bachelor's degree grads and their earnings potential.
Free resource for those looking to make their home more eco-friendly, titled A Room-by-Room Guide to Eco-Friendly Home Modifications and Renovations. When you are ready to consider making eco-friendly modifications or renovations to your home, you might find yourself feeling lost and not knowing where to even start. This guide provides general advice on where to start and includes several room by room recommendations as well. Check out: RaleighRealtyHomes.com/blog/sustainable-renovations-for-every-room/
We’re doing it, our printer is doing it and even Whole Foods Market is doing it... offsetting energy use by purchasing clean wind energy through Renewable Choice Energy. You can contribute to the expansion and growth of wind farms throughout the United States and support the use of alternative forms of clean, renewable energy. RenewableChoice.com
Skoy Enterprises has a 100% natural and biodegradable Earth friendly cloth. Our SKOY cloth is a reusable product which can be thrown in your washer and dryer and used over and over again. It is made of a unique blend of natural cotton and cellulose (wood-pulp) from sustainable tree farms. It has an absorption rate of 15x its own weight. One Skoy cloth outlasts 15 rolls of paper towel. This in turn saves landfills, trees, and money. There are currently 2.5 million tons of paper towel in US landfills each year. A SKOY cloth will degrade in a home composting situation within 5 weeks and in a city landfill within 16 weeks. SKOY cloth is a German made product and our factory is the trendsetter in environmental standards.
Our packaging does not include any plastic and it is a simple recyclable band. Skoy comes in a variety of modern colors and designs and is raising eco-awareness fashionably. Call for infromation: 1-800 990 4757 SkoyCloth.com
STEPS (Student Training & Education in Public Service)
The goal of STEPS is to help people explore degree and career paths where they can have a direct impact on protecting our environment. STEPS helps compassionate and driven professionals and students to further their education and training, develop career skills, and find a calling in making a difference. More and more Americans are becoming passionate about sustainable living and finding ways to reduce their carbon footprint, as we see first-hand the severe damage climate change and pollution are causing to our planet. To help people turn this passion into a career, we created a comprehensive guidebook that showcases over 20 “green” careers and the degree paths to get there. We cover everything from careers in renewable energy and ocean conservation to careers fighting climate change and deforestation.
Check out:
1) 10 Colleges Leading the Way in Sustainability: An Online Guide
A students guide to green college living
Teaching Degrees
OurTeaching Education Guidebook include lists of scholarships, comprehensive program information, licensing and certification data by state, and career profiles for students & job seekers. It was recently updated with new 2020 information on program costs & employment outlooks, as well as having several different career profiles & interviews with industry professionals.
This website focuses on research-oriented articles in various academic fields, including recyling and cellphones. Check out: 1. The recycling process: How to recycle cell phones; 2. The Benefits of Cell Phones Recycling; and 3. The Dangers of not Recycling Cell Phones.
Thrifting is a better, eco-friendly alternative to recycling as it involves reusing preloved products. Whether you’re new to thrifting, or want to get better at it.
this guide directs you in ways to pick aesthetics, and find the best buys you can get online/offline. Thrifting refers to the act of shopping at a thrift store, flea market, garage sale, or a shop of a charitable organization, usually with the intent of finding interesting items at a low price.
Click to visit thrifting.io
TMS Finance, Inc.
Bonnie Gringer, Online Marketing Manager and Content Developer at TMX Finance, shared the surprising amount of trash produced by an average person, each year,by type of waste.
Click to see full infographic Recommended by Natalie of the Young Conservationist Workshop series at GreenIsLove.org
Triangle is a family owned, eco-conscious printing company which has been in business since 1955. Our printing company earned three prestigious eco-certifications that assure clients that their print projects come from managed forests and eco-friendly paper companies. They are the Forest Stewardship Council, Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI®), and Chain of Custody (COC) certifications. Triangle is one of a limited number of companies that is authorized to label your print projects with proper trademarks. In addition, we use recycled paper, vegetable oil-based inks which are biodegradable and maintain a proactive in-house recycling program. Triangle makes great efforts to include a wide array of energy-saving, waste-reducing and resource-protecting products, services and initiatives. TrianglePrinters.com
WINE CELLAR INNOVATIONSAccording to the Glass Packaging Institute, glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without ever experiencing a loss in quality. Check out: https://www.winecellarinnovations.com/wine-cellar-decor/glass-recycling-101. You will learn that, for every ton of glass the United States is able to recycle, more than a ton of natural resources is conserved, saving the country’s supply of sand, soda ash, and limestone. The article shares a few tips: 1) Prepare Your Glass for Collection; 2) Sort Your Glass as Much as Possible, 3) Deal with Broken Glass, 4) Find the Right Glass Recycling Facilities; and, 5) Acces additional Glass Recycling resources.
WORDFINDER X BLOG:Word Games and More to Build Nature, Weather and Climate Vocabulary Teaching kids about the environment can be a daunting task. There’s the scientific jargon, the sense of reasonability you want to impart on them for their future lives, as well as highlighting the issues the world currently faces. If not approached correctly, you could bore them or, at worst, you can scare them. As with any topic, adding fun repetition to proceedings can help young minds retain information. Word games are particularly useful for education and have a long track record of helping complicated words like biosphere stay in the memory banks. Check out the mix of sites and word games that will have little students knowing their glacier from their greenhouse effect in no time. The next generation will be the most crucial in protecting the world around us, so there's no better time than now to get them invested in it. Wordfinder X Blog: Climate Weather Nature Vocabulary
WORKWAVEAre you looking for a Guide that is filled with... "Green Tips for Homeowners: Making Your House and Yard Environmentally Friendly"? Check out: https://insights.workwave.com/industry/field-service/eco-friendly-tips-for-homeowners. According to the National Geographic, the average U.S. citizen produces about 4.4 pounds of trash per day in solid waste alone. The more you pay attention, the more you might realize the many ways your lifestyle has an impact on the environment. This guide walks you through many small changes that you can make in your daily life to reduce waste, and promote a healthier environment. After all, big changes start with small steps.. Recommended by Jared Wallice, Outreach Coordinator, jaredwallice@gmail.com.
ZIPPIAAre you an Environmental Science major looking for a job? Check out: www.zippia.com/environmental-science-major/... or, check out our map of the states with the most green job opportunities: www.zippia.com/advice/states-most-green-jobs//. Recommended by Kristy Crane (kristy@zippia.com).
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